Does the idea of writing your resume and cover letter overwhelm you? Let’s not even mention the actual interview…

We will work it out together! All our services start with a personal phone call. We offer a uniquely personalised service because we care as much as you do.

I am here to help you!

With my many years in human resources and recruitment, thousands of interviews and many more thousands of resumes screened, its second nature now.

The experience, backed by my training in Human Resources and Business, allows me to bring a rounded perspective - I have been the student, the job seeker, the employee, the gate keeper and the decision maker.

My Mission is to provide a personal service that will empower you!

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What we do

(and do well)

Build Resumes and Cover Letters

Writing resumes and cover letters is an art. The resume is what represents you and your history while the cover letter sells you.

Interview Preparation

Looking for new work can be scary, let alone meeting new people and having them judge you off a 30 minute interaction. We help you practice and prepare!

Empower Yourself


Achieve your Goals


Build your Confidence


Reach your Dreams


Empower Yourself ✴︎ Achieve your Goals ✴︎ Build your Confidence ✴︎ Reach your Dreams ✴︎